Former Zayre / Lowe's, Charlotte, NC


Former Zayre / Lowe's, Charlotte, North Carolina

3166 Freedom Dr, Charlotte, NC 28208

This post-apocalyptic looking building here was once an old Zayre department store

They opened here (from what I could find) around 1971-1972 

Zayre had already left the building by the mid 80's, and in 1987, a new tenant would move in, but it wasn't Ames...

It was... Lowe's?

I was a bit surprised on hearing that, considering that to this day, the building still looks moderately untouched from when it was Zayre.

The building isn't starting to age very well...

A lot of the windows and doors are bordered up

Lowe's was gone halfway through 1993

I think these might've been the original auto bays from Zayre

I'm not sure what this was, maybe it was added onto the building by Lowe's?

There used to be a little plaza next to the store too

That entire plaza has since been torn down, but the original Zayre building still remains

I'm not sure how long this building is going to be standing for

Thanks for reading

All images are from Google Maps / Google Street View, Google Earth, and Google News Archive.
